Negotiations Update

Negotiations Update- December 19, 2024

The Tentative Agreement (“TA”) between the Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the California School Employees Association, Chapter #275 (“CSEA”) reached on November 7, 2024, and ratified by CSEA on November 21, 2024 was adopted by the Governing Board of the Lucia Mar Unified School District at their meeting on December 17, 2024.  As a result, classified employees in positions represented by CSEA should be aware of specific impacts, with timelines, outlined in this memo below.



Negotiations Update- December 10, 2024


The Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the Lucia Mar Unified Teachers' Association (LMUTA) met yesterday to continue negotiations for the 2024-2025 school year.   LMUSD concluded its proposal, which began during the half-day negotiation session on November 15, 2024.  The proposal included:

  • Removing outdated language regarding the 22-23 instructional minutes committee

  • Eliminating monthly staff meetings, with the exception of emergencies; all late start Mondays would be under the direction of site administrators for all certificated employees. 

  • 150 minutes per week for preparation or conference periods at the elementary level (in contrast to current language requiring 100 minutes K-3/150 minutes all others) and memorializing TK/K teachers providing site-based support for up to 3 hours per week.  (This proposal ensures that all TK/K teachers will receive 150 minutes of preparation time.)

  • Revisions to the Certificated Teacher evaluation form to align with updated California Standards for the Teaching Profession

  • The addition of a Certificated Evaluation Waiver form as an Appendix.

  • 2% salary increase, retroactive to July 1, 2024.  The Parties also engaged in a discussion about the cost of other LMUTA priorities and the District provided potential alternative compensation scenarios (Slide 9, Negotiation Budget Presentation).

  • Other general language reorganization for ease of understanding the CBA

LMUTA presented its counterproposal in most areas, with two items outstanding. Both parties continued to engage in conversation related to challenges related to special education and found agreement in the District’s ability to call a meeting for emergency situations and other general language reorganization for ease of understanding the CBA. The District looks forward to continuing productive dialogue at the next negotiation session on February 12, 2025. 

Additional Information:

Negotiations Update- November 15, 2024

The Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the Lucia Mar Unified Teachers' Association (LMUTA) met today, November 15, 2024, for a half day to continue negotiations for the 2024-2025 school year.   In advance of the session, LMUSD let LMUTA know that it would not be able to make any proposals related to salary, benefits, or other cost items until its Multi-Year Projection (MYP) is completed.  So, given that, the day began with LMUSD sharing its counter proposals related to language as well as data that it collected in response to LMUTA’s proposal.  The Parties are scheduled to return to negotiations on December 10th and LMUSD will complete its proposal.  The details of the proposal will be shared after LMUSD completes its proposal in December.

After the session was completed, LMUSD also discussed the new high school graduation requirements of Ethnic Studies and Financial Literacy which will be going into effect.  In January 2025, we intend to bring together a committee of educators to start discussing and planning to incorporate these new changes.



Negotiations Update- November 7, 2024

We are happy to announce that when the Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the California School Employee Association, Chapter #275 (CSEA) returned to the table today, they were able to reach a new Tentative Agreement.  The day began with updating the new team members about the negotiations journey and the Parties exchanged proposals.  They extended the day when it looked like agreement was close, and reached an agreement which includes: 

  • A  5% salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2023.

  • Participation in the Summer Assistance Program beginning in the 2025-26 school year

  • A committee of CSEA and District representatives will be created for 2024-25 negotiations to study and make recommendations regarding Career Ladders for paraprofessionals.


The Parties also included the language they had previously agreed to which included changes to the following Articles: II, Miscellaneous; IV, Hours of Employment; Article VII, Holidays; VIII, Vacations; IX, Leaves; X, Transfers; XI, Health & Welfare Benefits; XV, Professional Growth Program; XVI, Safety; XVII, Layoff and Reemployment; and XVIII, Discipline. (See Tentative Agreement attached).


This agreement will be in effect from July 1, 2023-June 30, 2026. Article V Wages, Article XI Health and Welfare Benefits, and Article VI Career Ladders will be reopened for the 2024-2025 school years. Article V Wages, Article XI Health and Welfare Benefits will be reopened in the 2025-26 school year; both Parties will have the option of reopening one additional article as well.


The Tentative Agreement will go through the CSEA 610 process and then move forward to be ratified by CSEA membership. Upon ratification, the Tentative Agreement will be reviewed by the County Office of Education to complete the AB 1200 process.  After these steps are completed, the agreement will be presented to the LMUSD Board of Education for final approval.


Negotiations Update LMUTA  - October 11, 2024


The Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the Lucia Mar Unified Teachers' Association (LMUTA) met on October 11, 2024, to commence negotiations for the 2024-2025 school year.  The session started with LMUTA proposing the following:

  • 3% salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2024;

  • LMUTA requested a conversation and made proposals related to special education staffing including discussion about recruitment and retention;

  • Compensation for supervising additional students in the absence of a substitute;

  • Limits on the percentage of temporary contracts issued within the District;

  • 150 minutes of preparation time for TK-3 and recovery of lost preparation time;

  • Limitations on when staff meetings can be conducted; 

  • Additional conference days at elementary sites;

  • Optional 15 hours of work prior to the first day of school;

  • An increase to the BCLAD stipend;

  • Modified language regarding criteria to earn a year of service credit, 

  • The standardization of student: staff ratios at Pacific View Academy in accordance with District staffing averages.  

  • Memorializing elementary assessment days in the bargaining agreement

  • Travel time for teachers who work at multiple sites

  • Increase in health and benefit contribution for retirees to align with current employees;

  • A reduced workload option for unit members close to retirement;

  • Align retiree benefit contributions to amount received by current bargaining unit members.


The District then provided a budget presentation prior to ending the half-day session. The teams will return to negotiations on November 15, 2024.  At the next meeting, the District will provide information and feedback regarding the total cost of LMUTA’s above proposal and will provide its own counter proposal.


Negotiations Update CSEA  - September 12, 2024

On September 12, 2024 California School Employee Association, Chapter #275 (“CSEA”) concluded its voting process on the Tentative Agreement (“TA”) reached with the Lucia Mar Unified School District (“LMUSD”) on August 7, 2024.  CSEA membership did not ratify the TA.


Throughout the process, the District consistently proposed a 5% increase to salaries; CSEA #275 made numerous proposals with varying “costs” exceeding 5%. Ultimately, CSEA prioritized items to be deducted from the 5% which resulted in the August TA. Because the Agreement was not ratified by CSEA membership, the parties will return to the table to continue negotiations; the District has proposed a date of September 17, 2024. 


For more detailed information on the journey to date, please see image and read below.


23-24 LMUSD Negotiation.png



The District and the CSEA, collectively “the Parties” reached a tentative agreement after almost five months of negotiations on August 7, 2024.  Since then, CSEA engaged in a review of the agreement through its 610 process and then brought the TA to a vote of its membership on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Yesterday, LMUSD was informed that CSEA membership did not ratify the TA.  This means that the TA will not be presented to the LMUSD Board and, instead, the Parties will return to the table with a goal of reaching a new tentative agreement. 


After reaching the August TA, many questions have been raised about the salary proposals during the negotiations process. Over the course of negotiations, LMUSD made five proposals to increase salary 5% retroactive to July 1, 2023.  The first 5% salary proposal was on the first day of successor negotiations on March 21, 2024 and the last was on August 7, 2024, the day the Parties reached the TA.


During the negotiations process, CSEA made numerous proposals with a “cost” that would exceed 5%.  The District did its homework and provided CSEA with a summary of the costs of all of their proposals in June 2024.  When the Parties met on August 7, CSEA identified the items it wished to deduct from the 5% offered by LMUSD which included: Summer Assistance Program, Career Ladder Changes, an increase to the second language stipend and updates to the Longevity program.  Deducting these items from the 5% available for compensation meant that all employees would receive an across-the-board increase of 2.8% to wages.


Because the TA was not ratified by CSEA membership, when the Parties return to the table, both LMUSD and CSEA will have the opportunity to present new proposals on compensation with the goal of reaching a new TA.  The District has proposed meeting on September 17, 2024 in order to expedite this process.  Once a new TA is reached, CSEA will then go through its process and bring any new TA back to the membership for ratification.  If it is ratified, it will go to the LMUSD Board for approval.



Negotiations Update  - August 7, 2024
After meeting today to continue negotiations, the Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the California School Employee Association, Chapter #275 (CSEA) are happy to announce that they have reached a Tentative Agreement for 2023-2026.  The Parties met numerous times and collaborated on many areas to reach agreement.   The Parties worked together with an understanding that the total increase to compensation available was 5%.  CSEA had an interest in apportioning that 5% in various areas of the contract to serve the membership and ultimately the Parties worked together to develop agreements and language to address those priorities.  Based on this, the terms of the Tentative Agreement include the following:

  • A 2.8 % salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2023
  • Career ladder range changes for instructional assistants, paraprofessionals and school secretaries*
  • Career ladder range changes to Journeyman Mechanic and Lead Mechanic Positions retroactive to July 1, 2023
  • Increase of second language stipend to 5% effective November 1
  • Changes to longevity (moving from a dollar amount to a percentage) 
  • Participation in the Summer Assistance Program beginning in the 2025-26 school year

* all monetary terms are effective November 1, 2024 if the Board ratifies the agreement by September 17, 2024 unless otherwise indicated.

The Parties also worked together to update language throughout the negotiations process, including changes to the following Articles: II, Miscellaneous; IV, Hours of Employment; Article VII, Holidays; VIII, Vacations; IX, Leaves; X, Transfers; XI, Health & Welfare Benefits; XV, Professional Growth Program; XVI, Safety; XVII, Layoff and Reemployment; and XVIII, Discipline. (See Tentative Agreement attached).

The Tentative Agreement will now be reviewed by the County Office of Education to complete the AB 1200 process, go through the CSEA 610 process and then move forward to be ratified by CSEA membership.  After these steps are completed, the agreement will be presented to the LMUSD Board of Education for final approval.

Negotiations Update- June 20, 2024


The Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the California School Employees Association Chapter #275 (CSEA) met again today, to continue successor negotiations for the 2023-2026 school years.  The session began with the District’s counter at 8:25 am, which included a summary of agreements the Parties have already reached.  LMUSD also provided information about the costs of all of CSEA’s counter proposals from May 15, 2024 tied to compensation including identifying the number of impacted employees (see attached).

CSEA made their counter-proposal at 12:20 pm.  As a result, additional agreement by both Parties was found on all language in the following Articles: II, Miscellaneous; IV, Hours of Employment; Article VII, Holidays; VIII, Vacations; IX, Leaves; X, Transfers; XI, Health & Welfare Benefits; XV, Professional Growth Program; XVI, Safety; SVII, Layoff and Reemployment; and XVIII, Discipline.

Still outstanding is language in Article V, Wages, however, the Parties have agreed to a total compensation package of 5%.  CSEA’s counter-proposal related to total compensation includes the following:

  • Changes to longevity (moving from a dollar amount to a percentage)

  • A reimbursement for shoes or work boots up to $225 where such shoes are required by the District for Food Service, Grounds, Maintenance, Warehouse, and Mechanics.

  • Career ladder range changes for mechanics, library techs, instructional assistants, and paraprofessionals.

  • Increasing the second language stipend to 5%.

  • Participation in the Summer Assistance Program.

  • Any amount remaining from the 5% would be placed on the salary schedule.  For example, if the total cost of the items above equals 2.5%, the remaining 2.5% would be placed on the salary schedule for across-the-board raises.

The District now needs to calculate the cost of the Association’s counter-proposal from today and will provide CSEA with this information before the Parties meet again on August 7, 2024.

Negotiations Update- May 15, 2024


The Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the California School Employees Association Chapter #275 (CSEA) met again Wednesday, May 15 to continue successor negotiations for the 2023-2026 school years.  The day’s session began with the District’s counter at 9:30 am, which included county comparisons showing Lucia Mar ranking number one in overall percentage of compensation increases over the last 10 years; and a quick reference sheet further explaining the salary increases, proposed raise for this year, and health benefits contribution. (attached below)

The teams then separated for caucus at 10:15 am, and CSEA presented its counterproposal at 3:15 pm, which continued to propose changes in the following articles: 

  • Article II, Miscellaneous -  New Employee Orientation; CSEA President Release Time; and a new section Employee/Employer Relations Committee

  • Article V, Wages  - Uniforms and Emblems; Reclassification, Classified Employees Summer Assistance Program

  • Article VI, Career Ladders - Second Language Stipends

  • Article X, Transfers

CSEA proposed a 5% total increase in wages which may be apportioned to salary, changes to the salary schedule, career ladders, and longevity.

Agreement by both Parties was found in the following:

  • Article V, Wages - “Tools and Equipment” language remaining unchanged;

  • Article VII, Holidays - Modifying language for those working a Tuesday through Saturday schedule, to have Monday holidays observed on the Saturday preceding;

  • Article IX, Leaves - Catastrophic Leave Bank Program updates;

  • Article XVIII, Discipline - language reflecting updates in Board Policy.

The District will calculate the costs of CSEA’s new proposals and present its counter proposal when the parties meet at their next negotiations session, scheduled for June 20.

Negotiations Update- May 3, 2024

The Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the California School Employees Association Chapter #275 (CSEA) met again today to continue negotiations for the 2023-2026 school years.   The Day began with CSEA providing its counter-proposal.  The District also provided a brief budget presentation which included information on prior year raises and a comparison of similarly sized districts in our County.  Lucia Mar classified team members currently ranked second in hourly compensation in 95% of classifications reviewed prior to any new raises being implemented for this year.   After the budget presentation, the parties caucused and CSEA completed its proposal at the end of the day.


The Parties have continued to engage in productive sessions and found additional agreement in the following:

  • Article XV. Safety

  • Article XVII. Layoff and Reemployment 


The District will present its counter proposal when the parties meet at their next negotiation session, scheduled for May 15th.



Negotiations Update- April 15, 2024

The Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the California School Employees Association Chapter #275 (CSEA) met for a quick one-hour session on April 15, 2024  to continue successor negotiations for the 2023-2026 school years.   LMUSD presented and completed its proposal, which included the following:

  • Article II, Miscellaneous - Counter proposal  language regarding new employee orientation practices;

  • Article V, Wages - 5% salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2023

  • Article VI, Career Ladders - Counter proposal  language regarding  subcommittee of CSEA and District members to review Career Ladder language;

  • Article XVI, Safety - Counter proposal language regarding designated CSEA representation on the District Safety Committee;

  • Article XVII, Layoff and Reemployment - Counter proposal language regarding layoff language that aligns with changes to the Education Code;


The Parties found agreement in the addition of Juneteenth to Article VII, Holidays.

Upon request of CSEA, the negotiation session scheduled for April 18, 2024 was postponed.  When the Parties return on May 3, 2024, for a full-day session, CSEA will present its proposal.


Negotiations Update- April 9, 2024

The Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the California School Employees Association Chapter #275 (CSEA) met again today to continue successor negotiations for the 2023-2026 school years. CSEA continued its counter proposal and completed it towards the end of the day.  


 CSEA’s counter proposal included:

  • Capturing new employee orientation practices;

  • President release time;

  • Modification of food service assignment language to be applicable to more unit members;

  • Posting requirements for vacant positions; 

  • Extra assignment language;

  • An increase in salary of 10.3%, retroactive to July 1, 2023;

  • Proposed language related to Tools and Equipment, and Uniform and Emblems;

  • A 5% minimum increase to compensation for Extended Work Out of Classification

  • The District’s agreement to participate in the Classified Employees Summer Assistance Program;

  • A subcommittee of CSEA and District members to review Career Ladder language;

  • An increase in the bilingual stipend from 2% to 5% for those passing an examination, and 1% to 2.5% for continued basic use of translation services;

  • The addition of Juneteenth to Holidays and language specific to the development of classified calendars;

  • Language clarifying enrollment and administration of  the Catastrophic leave bank;

  • Designated CSEA representation on the District Safety Committee;

  • Layoff language that aligns with changes to the Education Code;


The Parties have engaged in productive sessions and found agreement in the following:

  • Reformatting of the CBA for member clarity;

  • General updates to language made for consistency of pronoun use and bargaining unit member designation;

  • Reorganizing of Article IX, Leaves for clarity;

  • Language regarding extended sick leave after fully paid leave is exhausted. 


Since there was not time for the District to provide its counter proposal, the Parties agreed to add an additional afternoon session on April 15th so that the District can provide its counter proposal and the parties can make effective use of their all day negotiations session scheduled for April 18th.

The Parties also discussed the anticipated timelines for approval of any agreement and payment of any retroactive payments.  Once a Tentative Agreement is reached between the Parties, the following steps need to occur which will take approximately 80-120 days:

  • State CSEA (610) approval (this has historically taken anywhere from 30-60 days)

  • Ratification by CSEA membership (this has taken anywhere from 10-20 days)

  • AB 1200 Process (This is the legally required process of submitting the agreement for review to the San Luis Obispo County Education Office) (10 working days)

  • Board Approval (depends on timing, approximately 10 days)

  • Preparation of retroactive payments by payroll (depends on timing but at least 20 days)

This means that in order to process retroactive payments to be received in the summer, the Parties would likely need to reach agreement this month.  If they do not, any retroactive payments would likely be processed in the fall of 2024.




Negotiations Update- March 6, 2024


We are excited to announce that after meeting again today, the Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the Lucia Mar Unified Teachers' Association (LMUTA) have reached a Tentative Agreement for the 2023-2024 School Year.  The Parties engaged in collaborative discussions throughout the process and reviewed data from comparative districts throughout the County (attached below).


The Tentative Agreement will move forward to be ratified by LMUTA membership and will be submitted for review by the County Office of Education to complete the AB 1200 process.  After these steps are completed, the agreement will be presented to the LMUSD Board of Education for final approval.


The terms of the Tentative Agreement include the following:

  • 5% salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2023;

  • Expanding the definition of family for purposes of catastrophic leave;

  • Clarifying the work year for high school athletic directors and memorializing speech and language pathologist stipend;

  • Recognizing 15 years of prior service for certificated employees coming to Lucia Mar;

  • Updating staffing ratios for Pacific View Academy;

  • Updating language throughout the agreement for consistency.


Cody King, President 



Jennifer Handy, Assistant Superintendent



Negotiations Update- February 23, 2024

The Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the Lucia Mar Unified Teachers' Association (LMUTA) met again today, February 23, 2024, to continue negotiations for the 2023-2024 school year.  The Parties engaged in a productive session with the District providing its counterproposal in the morning.   During that session, the Parties also continued to engage in valuable discussions regarding professional development and collaboration time. When the Parties returned to the table after caucus in the afternoon, LMUTA began providing its counterproposal.  When the Parties return on March 6, 2024, for a half-day session, LMUTA will complete its proposal.


Negotiations Update- February 8, 2024

The Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the Lucia Mar Unified Teachers' Association (LMUTA) met today to commence negotiations for the 2023-2024 school year.  The session started with a presentation on the District budget and a discussion about the State budget and impacts on the District. The District then provided its proposal on Article VI: Hours of Work, Article IX: Class Size, and Article XIV: Salaries.  In brief, the District proposed the following:

  • 5% salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2023;

  • Language clarifying TK/K teacher duties; 

  • An increase in the high school Athletic Director work year from 184 to 214;

  • The memorialization of a 2009 MOU reflecting a $7,500 stipend for speech-language pathologists;

  • The standardization of student:staff ratios at Pacific View Academy to the following: 35:1 for Supervising Teachers; 28:1 for those serving as Supervising Teacher and Teacher of Record; and 100:1 for those serving as Teachers of Record only;

  • An increase in service credit for new employees from 14 to 15 years of service; and

  • A multi-year agreement with reopeners;


Additionally, general updates to language were made for consistency of pronoun use and bargaining unit member designation in other sunshined articles. The Parties also engaged in collaborative discussions regarding professional collaboration and will bring back related proposals.


After the caucus, the teams returned to the table and LMUTA proposed the following:


  • 7.5% salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2023;

  • Increase in health and benefit contribution to $11,100 for single plans, $12,600 for single plus one plans, and $14,100 for family plans; and apply the same for retirees

  • 100 additional special education release days;

  • A joint committee to evaluate minimum days;

  • Compensation for supervising additional students in the absence of a substitute;

  • A new stipend for special education case managers, a middle school AVID Coordinator; an increase to the BCLAD stipend; and an increase to the $8000 stipend for speech language pathologists

  • Maximum Class size language with compensation for teachers assigned beyond the cap;

  • A reduced workload option for unit members close to retirement;

  • Modified language regarding reassignment, criteria to earn a year of service credit, and mileage reimbursement for travel assignments.


LMUTA and LMUSD found agreement on updating language for consistency of pronoun use and bargaining unit member designation throughout sunshined articles.  


The teams will return to negotiations on February 23, 2024.  At the next meeting, the District will provide information and feedback regarding the total cost of LMUTA’s above proposal as well as providing a counter proposal.

Negotiations Update- November 14, 2023

Second Reading, Initial Proposal for Collective Bargaining from the Lucia Mar Unified Teachers Association to the Lucia Mar Unified School District for 2023-2024 Negotiations


Negotiations Update- October 17, 2023

First Reading, Initial Proposal for Collective Bargaining from the Lucia Mar Unified Teachers Association to the Lucia Mar Unified School District for 2023-2024 Negotiations



Negotiations Update - February 28, 2023

We are excited to announce that after the Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the California School Employee Association, Chapter #275 (CSEA) met today to continue negotiations, the Parties have reached a Tentative Agreement for the 2022-2023 school year.   Over the course of negotiations, the parties reviewed comprehensive data and collaborated on many areas to reach an agreement.

The Tentative Agreement will now be reviewed by the County Office of Education to complete the AB 1200 process and move forward to be ratified by CSEA membership.  After these steps are completed, the agreement will be presented to the LMUSD Board of Education for final approval.

The terms of the Tentative Agreement include the following:

  • A 9.25% salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2022;

  • An $10,800 increase to the health benefits cap effective for the 23-24 school year;

  • A restructured salary schedule that includes

    • Elimination of current ranges 10-15 for all classifications. Workers currently in these ranges will be placed at Range 16 (effective July 1, 2023).

    • Elimination of current ranges 10-16 for all food service workers.  Workers currently in these ranges will be placed at Range 17.  (effective July 1, 2023).

    • Updates to the salary ranges for Food Service Unit Leads I-III (effective July 1, 2023).

Anthony Chavez, President 



Jennifer Handy, Assistant Superintendent




Negotiations Update - February 9, 2023

The Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) and the California School Employee Association, Chapter #275 (CSEA) met again today to continue reopener negotiations for the 2022-23 school year.  The Parties engaged in productive discussions, discussed focus areas and shared data.  The Parties are scheduled to meet again on February 28 and will begin with CSEA providing its counter-proposal.


Negotiations Update - January 24, 2023


We are excited to announce that after LMUTA and the District met again today to continue negotiations, the Parties have reached a Tentative Agreement for the 2022-2023 school year.   Over the course of negotiations, the parties reviewed comprehensive data, including county salary comparisons, and collaborated on many focus areas to reach agreement.

The Tentative Agreement will now be reviewed by the County Office of Education to complete the AB 1200 process and move forward to be ratified by LMUTA membership.  After these steps are completed, the agreement will be presented to the LMUSD Board of Education for final approval.

The terms of the Tentative Agreement include the following:

  • 10% salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2022;

  • An increase to the tiered health benefits cap, providing caps of $10,600 for single plans, $11,600 for single plus one plans, and $12,600 for family plans, effective for the 23-24 school year;

  • Alignment of the evaluation process to the Education Code;

  • Creation of instructional minutes committee;

  • Clarification of the advancement on salary schedule; 

  • Clarification of extra hours worked before the start of the school year for nurses.


Cody King, President 



Jennifer Handy, Assistant Superintendent