colleen martin

Colleen Martin, President

(Trustee Area 5, 2026)


Don Stewart, Vice- President
(Trustee Area 1, 2024) 

Photo Coming Soon
Donna Kandel, Clerk
(Trustee Area 7, 2026)

Dee Santos, Member
(Trustee Area 2, 2024)

Photo Coming Soon
Andrea Naemi-Vergne, Member
(Trustee Area 3, 2026)

Vicki Meagher, Member
(Trustee Area 4, 2024)

Photo Coming Soon
Eilene Pham, Member
(Trustee Area 6, 2026)


The Lucia Mar Unified School District board of education is elected by our community.  The Governing Board consists of seven members whose terms are staggered.  The board’s primary role is to work with the superintendent to fulfill its major responsibilities which include:

  • Setting the direction for the district
  • Establishing an effective and efficient organizational structure for the district
  • Providing support to the Superintendent and staff as they carry out the Board’s direction
  • Ensuring accountability to the public for the performance of the district’s schools
  • Providing community leadership and advocacy on behalf of students, the district’s educational program, and public education in order to build support within the local community and at the state and national levels


Board meetings are open to the public.  Please click HERE for additional information on school board meetings.


Board Members: [email protected]


Don Stewart: Don.R.Stewart
Dee Santos: Dee.Santos
Andrea Naemi-Vergne:andrea.naemi-vergne
Vicki Meagher: Vicki.Meagher
Colleen Martin: Colleen.Martin
Eilene Pham: Eilene.Pham
Donna Kandel: Donna Kandel