Measure I » CBOC Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

CBOC Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

The implementation of Lucia Mar’s Measure I funding is subject to oversight by a Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC). Per law, the CBOC will review projects to be completed with Measure I funds and verify that the projects were listed in the District’s project list that was included as part of the original ballot language.

The purpose of the committee is to:

1. Inform the public concerning the District’s expenditure of bond proceeds

2. Review expenditures to ensure that bond proceeds are expended only for the purposes set forth in Measure I;

3. and Report annually to the LMUSD Board of Education regarding compliance

*CBOC members may not be District employees, District vendors, and may not reside outside of Lucia Mar’s boundaries.

2024 Committee Members

Terri Ikeda - Chairperson

Chuck Richards - Vice Chairperson

Steve Flood

Paul Herman

Anthony Luis

Cindy Naber

Chad Robertson

Daevin Thomas