Student Safety & Support » Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention

Additional Support:
Central Coast Hotline (crisis and mental health support) - Call or text 800 783-0607
Crisis Textline Text HOME to 741741
California Peer Support Warmline (non-crisis) 855 845-7415
Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800 273-TALK (8255)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988
ALATEEN 805 534-9204
SLO County Drug and Alcohol 805 781-4275
SLO Public Health 805 781-8800
GALA 805 541-4252
Tranz Central Coast 805 242-3821
SLO Food Bank 805 975-5688
Human Trafficking Hotline 888 373-7888
Missing and Exploited Children Hotline 800 843-5678

Crisis Intervention Team 805 474-3000
AGHS - Joanna Molina x2035 , Jose Alvarez x2033, Cristel Penton x2034, Alyssa LaBrado x2032, Yusdivia Mosqueda x2036
NHS - Shannon Hirase x3261, Callie Shaw x3260, Kelsey Cajas x3262
CCNT - Laura Ortiz x3971
LO - Katie Gonzalez x7478
JU - Jamie Wozniak x4678
ME - Jill Scorby x4270
PA - Becky Dominguez x4374
BR - Sarah Lattimer x5714
DA - Jennifer Mendez x5078
FA - Susie Bautista x5512
GB - Jessica Atmaja x6120
GH - Jill Lewis x8212
HA - Sara Gulino x8902
LA - Jess Hawley x5217
NI - Jessica Baza x6812
OC - Erin Watkins x8305
OV - Melissa Chitwood x7034
SB - Erin Lee x8962
PVA Elem - Sarah Lattimer x5714
PVA Secondary - Katie Gonzalez x7478
AGHS - NIkki Crouch x2037, Hailey Kutch x2045
NHS - Tamara Mau x3231
CCNT - Jessica Oakes x3901
LO - Cristina Johnson x7521
JU - Jessica Oakes x8195
ME - Cristina Johnson x8365
PA - Burlinda Seals x4369
BR - Heather Ortego x5678, Esteban Vargas x5678
DA - Olivia Pawl x5124
FA - Chris Byham x5513
GB - Denae Garnett x6148
GH - Denae Garnett x6211
HA - Heather Ortego x6555, Esteban Vargas x6555
LA - Karina Reyes x5223
NI - Karina Reyes x6818
OV - Amy Gillespie x7193
OC - Ashley Kieffe x7303
SB - Macey Winestroer x6677
PVA - Chris Byham x1188
AGHS- Brad Grumbles x 2280
CCNTH- Sarah Butler x 3980
Lopez- Keith Gledhill x7580
NHS- John Denno x 3280
Judkins- Ian Penton x4680
Mesa- Michael Flushman x4280
Paulding- Erika Timmer x4380
Branch- Whitney Whitney x5680
Dana- Stacey Russell x5080
Fairgrove- Carol Littlefield-Halfman x5480
Grover Beach- Petra Reynolds x6080
Grover Heights- Kelly Logue x6280
Harloe- Debbie Webster x6480
Lange- Spencer Finkle x5280
Nipomo E- Jennifer Elisondo x6880
Ocean View- Matt David x7080
Oceano- Joshua Hererra x7280
Shell Beach- James Snyder x6680
Pacific View Academy- Keith Gledhill x5801
Adult Education- Jennifer Bowen x7680
The team's designated reporter will be one of the team members.



On the Web:


[email protected]