General Resources Following Mass Shootings
- The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) tips for parents and educators to talk with children about violence suggests adults:
- Reassure children they are safe and review safety procedures.
- Create a sense of safety by returning to normal, predictable routines as soon as possible.
- Make time to talk and listen to the concerns and feelings of children.
- Limit the use of media consumption of these events to lower their stress and to maintain balance and perspective.
- Acknowledge that sleep difficulties are common and can lead to fatigue and poor participation.
- The American Psychological Association (APA) recommends honesty with children – acknowledging that bad things do happen, but reassuring them with the information that many people are working to keep them safe, including their parents, teachers, and law enforcement. The APA also advises limiting children’s exposure to news coverage following such traumatic events.
- Helping Children Cope With Terrorism from NASP offers tips for families and educators. Translations of this handout are available in Amharic, Chinese, French, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese. There is also a companion infographic.
Wellness and Mental Health Resources for Students and Adults
- National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- Helping Children After a Natural Disaster: Tips for Parents and Educators
- Helping Children After a Natural Disaster Tips for Parents and Educators - Español
- Teen Guide: Resources for Teenagers during a Crisis
- Teen Guide: Resources for Teenagers during a Crisis - Español
- Helping Your Child Recover from Trauma - English
- Helping Your Child Recover from Trauma - Español
- Free Online Services & Resources
- Free Online Services & Resources - Español
Talking to Children About Hate Crimes
- Additional ADL materials that may also be useful include these lesson plans on responding to hate and violence and on swastikas and other hate symbols.
- How to Talk to Kids About Violence, Crime, and War from Common Sense Media gathers tips and conversation starters to help talk to kids of different ages about the toughest topics.
- The ChildMind Institute explores ways to support your children while navigating your own emotions in the Talking to Kids About Racism and Violence webpage.
- The National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center has a tipsheet for adults and educators on how to talk with children about hate crimes.