Information Technology Services » Phones, CAASPP, LaserFiche, and Storage

Phones, CAASPP, LaserFiche, and Storage

Telephone System - VoIP

We provide two phone models
  • Offices and Classrooms: 485G (see picture to the right)
  • Conference rooms: 655
Please see the PDFs below for
  • Quick References (QR) Guides for the phones and voicemail
  • User Guides for the phones
The VoIP system is known both as ShoreTel and Mitel and you will see both designations used in product and district documentation.
To remotely change your outgoing voicemail message, dial (805) 474-3888, and follow the prompts.
Please review the User guides for handsets and voicemail:

Instructions for the use of the Lucia Mar phone system

LMUSD VoIP Phone Overview -  must be logged into to access
LMUSD School Auto-Attendant Documentation - must be logged into to access
LMUSD School Info Mailboxes  - must be logged into to access
LMUSD IP Speakers - must be logged with an staff account to access

Guide for locating and using the Secure Test Browser on Chromebooks (PDF).

Guide for using CAASPP Secure Browser on Windows (PDF).

General information regarding CAASPP


Storage Services and Quotas

For Graduating students and staff/students separating, please see  District account retention policy


Summer Cleanup

As necessary to reclaim space, files on student shared drives (U:  to teachers) will be deleted. Typically, older files are deleted first. Any staff data stored on student shares should be copied to the staff share, staff H, or Google prior to the end of the school year.

General Cleanup

  • Files in the “Recycle Bin” associated with your H-drive will be deleted every week-end.

Quotas for District Drive Storage (H:, S:, U:, T:, etc.)

  • Students – 150 MB Hard Quota. Students cannot save beyond allocation.
  • Teachers/Staff – 8 GB Hard Quota. Staff cannot save beyond allocation.
  • Shared (Office/Teachers) – 50 GB Soft Quota (warning email).
  • Shared-Students – 50 GB Hard Quota.
  • File Screens
    • Students are not able to save executable (.exe) files to any network drive.
    • Students are not able to save to the student share (S: for students, U: for staff), except in special cases.

File Filters

In order to reduce viruses, copyright infringement and storage consumption, several types of files are not allowed on our storage network. Examples include, but are not limited to:  video files (.avi, .mov), music (mp3, mp4, flac, .wav), programs (.bin, .cab, .dll, .dmp, .exe), disk images (.iso), and virtual machine images (.vmw, .vhd, .vmdk). Those types of files should be stored on the local C: drive if related to school business, or a personal removable drive, if personal.

Additionally, CIPA (“Child Internet Protection Act”) compliance requires a certain amount filtering.

Email Retention

Gmail is the district’s primary email system effective with the 2015-16 school year. Gmail emails are kept “forever” subject to Google changing their minds about providing unlimited archiving.

The legacy Exchange archive ("Netmail") was decommissioned end of June 2021.