Independent Contractors
Independent Contractor Agreements
To request an Independent Contractor Agreement please complete the form below:
and attach the following documents:
- A quote for services
- A copy of your 2024 W-9
- A Certificate of Insurance showing a single combined liability limit of $1,000,000 and naming as ADDITIONAL INSURED: "Lucia Mar Unified School District, its Board, officers, employees, agents, volunteers and invitees.
Fingerprints may be required.
Completing this form does not constitute an agreement. Services will not be agreed upon and payment will not be provided without a signed Independent Contractor Agreement.
Once it has been determined that these minimum qualifications are met and the school site/department has confirmed that services are desired, you will receive an Independent Contractor Agreement at the email address provided to be signed electronically via DocHub.
AFTER services have been provided, please send an invoice to your contact at the school site or the department you are working with so that they may initiate payment.
Contact Business Services Administrative Assistant, Lisa Murphy at [email protected] or (805) 474-3000 x1070 with any questions.