Special Education » Individualized Education Program

Individualized Education Program

The Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written statement for each individual with exceptional needs that is developed, reviewed, and revised in accordance with state and federal laws. 

The IEP Meeting 

A student receives a formal assessment
The IEP Team meets when any of the following occurs: 
  • A student’s placement or instruction is to be initiated, changed, or discontinued 
  • A student demonstrates a lack of anticipated progress 
  • A parent or teacher requests a review of the IEP 
  • At least annually to review the IEP 
  • At least every three years to reevaluate eligibility for special education 
  • Within 30 days if a student with an existing special education placement transfers into LMUSD from a district outside the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) 
  • Within 60 days of receipt of signed parental consent for assessment 
  • As part of disciplinary proceedings related to suspension/expulsion of a student with disabilities
Core IEP Team Members 
The IEP Team shall include all of the following: 
  • Parent/legal guardian or designated representative of the student
  • Adult student with educational rights
  • Administrator or designee
  • General education teacher
  • Special education teacher

Additional Team Members 
The IEP Team may also include the following: 

  • Related service providers
  • Other individuals who have knowledge of or special expertise regarding student
  • Language Interpreter as needed
  • Representative of Non-public school
  • Representative of regional program
  • Transition representatives of other agencies invited by parent or adult student
IEP Contents
  • Information/Eligibility:  The front page used to identify how the child’s disability affects his or her involvement and progress in the general curriculum. 
  • Transition: These forms must be completed in time to be in effect when the student reaches 16 years of age. These forms should be completed prior to the IEP team meeting based on age-appropriate assessments and input from both the student and the parent. 
  • Present Levels:  The present levels should be data-based and draw from a wide range of assessments. Each section should be discussed at the meeting and changes made, as appropriate, based on input from members of the IEP team. The present levels include progress in the general education curriculum, with identified areas of need driving goals later in the IEP. 
  • Special Factors: This form provides a summary of the student’s area(s) of need. Any identified area of need must be addressed by a goal. 
  • Statewide Assessments: Every student is expected to participate in district, state, and federal testing. The IEP team may not waive assessments. The IEP team must determine which tests are most appropriate for the student and specify any designated supports or accommodations the student may need to participate in these assessments. The team may also review the eligibility criteria and make recommendations for the student to participate in alternate assessments (e.g., CAPA, CAA, etc.). 
  • Goals: Annual goals must only address those general curriculum areas in which the student’s involvement and progress are affected by their disability. If only accommodations are needed, no IEP goal for that area is required. Benchmarks or short-term objectives are required for students participating in curriculum based on alternate achievement standards. The short-term objectives must be measurable, with intermediate steps and benchmarks. 
  • Services - Offer of FAPE:  Special education and related services are determined at the IEP meeting only after goals have been finalized. 
  • Educational Setting - Offer of FAPE:  This form provides information on educational setting, percent of time out of general education, other agencies involved with the student, and reporting progress to parents. 
  • Parent Consent:  All team members, including parents, must sign the top portion of this page to document attendance and roles. Only parents sign the bottom portion of the page with the appropriate boxes checked for consent. 
  • Notes: The team meeting notes summarize participant attendance, team actions and agreements, and parent input. 
Education Code 56329 (a) “An individualized education program team conference, including the parent and his or her representative, shall be scheduled, pursuant to Section 56341, to discuss the assessment, the educational recommendations, and the reasons for these recommendations.” 

Education Code 56340 “Each district, shall initiate and conduct meetings for the purpose of developing, reviewing, and revising the individualized education program of each individual with exceptional needs.” 

Education Code 56341 (a) “Each meeting to develop, review, or revise the individualized education program on an individual with exceptional needs, shall be conducted by an individualized education program team.” 

Education Code 56342 “The individualized education program team shall review the assessment results, determine eligibility, determine the content of the individualized education program, consider local transportation policies, and make program placement recommendations.” 

Education Code 56342 “An individualized education program team shall meet whenever any of the following occurs: 

(a) A pupil has received a formal assessment
(b) The pupil demonstrates a lack of anticipated progress
(c) The parent or teacher requests a meeting to develop, review, or revise the individualized education program
(d) At least annually, to review the pupil’s progress, the individualized education program and the appropriateness of placement, and to make any necessary revisions. The individualized education program team conducting the annual review shall consist of those persons specified in subdivision (b) of Section 56341. Other individuals may participate in the annual review if they possess expertise or knowledge essential for the review.”

Education Code 56343.5 “A meeting of an individualized education program team requested by a parent to review an individualized education program pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 56343 shall be held within 30 days, not counting days in July and August, from the date of receipt of the parent’s written request. If a parent makes an oral request, the school district shall notify the parent of the need for a written request and the procedure for filing a written request.