Each student with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is appointed a case manager to ensure the IEP is compliant and procedural requirements are met. Case managers include Special Education teachers or Speech and Language Pathologists. Case Manager Responsibilities
Design and implement supplementary aids and services to support students in accessing the general education program as determined by the IEP Instruction and Behavioral Supports
Accommodations for diploma-bound students
Modifications for certificate-bound students
Continuously review and revise instruction based on data
Evaluate student progress on goals and objectives
Monitor behavior and implement supports, as needed
Collect data and summarize progress on each goal (including behavior goals)
Support Instructional Assistant(s) in conducting instructional exercises, utilizing behavior strategies, and other relevant job duties.
Review file, including IEPs and background information, for incoming students
Send written notices to parents/guardians
Design, implement, and review the student’s IEP on a timely basis as mandated by IDEA
Complete all paperwork (electronic and hardcopy components) and submit originals to the district office within 48 hours
Complete transportation requests, as appropriate, and submit to the district office
Coordinate referrals for all related services
Comply with all procedural requirements within required timelines
Schedule IEPs well in advance (a minimum of two weeks) to accommodate and include all IEP team members. This is especially important for triennials and/or when there is more than one service provider.
Facilitate the IEP team meeting
Take meeting minutes or assign the task to another team member
Initiate an IEP team meeting to address concerns or needs prior to the annual IEP date.
Communicate progress and/or concerns to students, parents and staff
Communicate frequently with general education staff
Create a consistent two-way communication system with parents
Provide an IEP summary to all teachers or service providers involved with the student. As appropriate, brief each team member on contents of the IEP, his/her specific responsibility related to implementing the student’s IEP, and the specific accommodations, modifications and supports that shall be provided for the student in accordance with the IEP.